Dr Lisbet Rausing, born 1960, is a Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College’s Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. She holds honorary doctorates from Uppsala University, Imperial College and SOAS, and is a fellow of the Linnean Society, the Royal Historical Society and the British Academy. She was educated at the UC, Berkeley and Harvard, where she also taught for eight years. She is the author of Linnaeus: Nature and Nation (Harvard, 1999) as well as numerous scholarly articles.
Lisbet Rausing founded the Arcadia Fund[1] in 2001. As of 2008, the Fund had made grant commitments of over $181 million to preserve endangered treasures of culture and nature.[2]
She is a Vice President of conservation charity Fauna & Flora International.[3]
She also serves on other boards and committees including the Harvard Board of Overseers, and Yad Hanadiv.